& Events
Fellowship-Wide Services is the national parent organization of S.L.A.A. This newsletter provides excellent information related to the inner workings.
Do not click.
These directories are updated regularly
If you would like a copy of the on-line meeting phone list send us an email (not a text). If we know you, we will send you one within 24 hours.
Members from several local meetings periodically organize retreats. These retreats are always a great success, and are spoken of highly by past attendees. They typically have around two dozen attendees and fill-up fast. The next is scheduled for the weekend of October 4th at the beautiful Barbara C. Harris Camp & Conference Center in Greenfield, NH. Click the blue banner for the flyer.
The weekend of September 20th through 22nd is an intensive study of the 12 Steps. If you have worked on the Steps in this type of format before, you already know its value. If you have not intensively studied the steps, this is a great way to do it, especially the first time.
The event will be at Our Lady of Glastonbury Abbey, in Hingham, MA. The Abbey is run by Benedictine monks, on 60 acres of woods and spacious lawns. Click the blue banner for the flyer.
This gathering is held every Spring and Fall and they never fail to be great. The next one will be on Saturday, November 2, 2024. This season's theme is Recovery - The Solution. It is an event filled with fun, speakers, and new friends. CANCELED
S.L.A.A. is free to all who need it. We are self-supporting through our own contributions. Donations go toward our expenses. We also make periodic donations to New England Intergroup and Fellowship-Wide Services. Both provide outreach information to those in need and support services for fellowships in either New England or internationally.
Donations of any size are welcome!!!
Got a buck? Send a buck.
We use Venmo (see link below).
If you have questions or would like us to provide you with other
ways to donate contact us at
Thank You!